Sunday 25 August 2013

Monday 19 August 2013

The Sager Surrounding Zwelinzima Vavi.

This assignment will focus and discuss the sager surrounding the Zwelinzima Vavi based on how the story has affected his personal life and social status. It will analyze how he has response to the whole affairs. It will focus on the ethics in a working place based on how the employers and employees should behavior toward each other and how the ethics in a working place are important.  

According to Molefe (2013) A 26 years old administrator had come forward claiming that the 50 years old general secretary Zwelinzima Vavi had raped her in her office at the COSATU’s headquarter in Johannesburg. Mr. Vavi maintains that the sex was consensual and that the pair had been engaged in a long-running office romance that had consisted of heavy petting up to and after what he described as “ brief intercourse while standing” in her locked office on 25 January.

Vavi personally hired her in 2011; there was no job interview or formal process that was followed. He said she and her husband tried to extort R2 million from him.

“The importance of ethical principles for the workplace is that all employees follow the same standards, regardless of personal values and different cultural backgrounds. The principles allow them to voice their opinions freely and without fear, creating a sense of belonging for each employee in the workplace” Gemeli (2007). 

 To apply important ethical principles in the workplace, employers must set out the objectives of the company and follow the ethical principles.
“The guidance of ethical principles in the workplace can come into question when an employee needs to make a decision. A decision might involve fairness, truth or values in the workplace. It may concern a legal matter, professional or personal conflict” Gemeli (2007).

 The decision could involve ethical principles and help the employee make a decision wisely and effectively without using his personal feelings.

The changes that can face are: first is the rape allegation it is serious but is not for the cosatu’s internal preceding to be involved in. It is for the court to hear the matter, allegation that she and her husband demanded R2 million from Mr. Vavi and that he hired her without following the proper procedures.

Office romance has the potential to affect the behavior of the employees in the working place in ways that conflict with both the business and legal interests can be affected negatively.

From one’s point of view it was not right for Vavi to have an affair with the junior college, not that what he does in his personal life matters to the public but it does affect his social status as the trade union federation leader. He is supposed to set an example to the society not have his scandal affairs all over the news, because these are two parents who are involving their personal and private life to the public and the children on both sides are involved in this extremely delicate matter.

Not only has this affair affected both families, but also the society has lost motivation on the COSATU’s general secretary Vavi. With this kind of behavior even the employees may lose motivation to work harder or go the extra mile.  

This assignment has focused and analyzed the ethics in a work place based on Zwelinzima Vavi’s affair and it has changed his social and those surrounding him. It has analyzed the values of the ethics in a work place. It has examined the ethical conflicts inherent in working in an environment.

Gemeli, G. 2007. Human Capital Review. Remuneration Committees.
Molefe.2013. Do the honorable thing and step down, Mr. Vavi. News24.  Posted on 2013 July 29 at 12:00.  

Thursday 25 July 2013


In definition fear is the bad feeling that one has when they are in danger, or when a particular thing frightens them. 

God said ‘never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.’

So we say with confidence.

‘The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?’

In definition ‘forsake’ means to leave especially when you have responsibility to stay.

God doesn't have the responsibility to stay for his children; HE stays because he loves us all as his children. We are the ones who are responsible for our behavior because how we behave influence how God sees us.
Indeed my Father is my helper; he has walked with me throw thick and thin, protected me from all my enemies. He has forgive me for all my wrong doings. Someone out there in the world doesn't have what i have, the blessing, love and the guidance. 

He has blessed me with love and with that i shall not fear anything.

'The Lord is my helper.'  

Monday 15 July 2013


Music has played an  emotional role in our lives.Music has been around for many years, today music has increasingly spreading and people can not live without music. This assignment will focus on music based on it's history, how it has develop from the ancient history to the 20th century and music as an art. Music is unique in each person's life.  Webster's II new Riverside University Dictionary define music as the art of arranging tones in an orderly sequence so as to produce a unities and continuous composition. 

" Music comes from the ancient Greek muses, who were the nine goddesses of art and science.Music actually began around 500 B.C when Pythagoras experimented with a caustic and how math related to tones formed from plucking strings.The main form of music was the gregorian chant named for pope gregory I " (Morley, 1980).

Toward the end of the middle age, about the 13th century, music began to move outside of the church and become more popular outside.

According to Okigbo (1996:31) music was becoming more popular during the Renaissance vocal music was still more important than instrument. Composes began to write music to give deeper meaning and emotion to the words in their songs. Music was written in a style that referred to as word painting, where music and words combine to form a representation of poetic images.

Music was still important in the church, although it had shifted more from the church to the courts.
From that point music moved from being just a melody and rhythm that was being used for traditional purposes.

"The Romantic period was at time when emotion was poured into the music, Each composer had an individual style and expression. This is when music was written to follow a story, poem, idea and scene. The instruments would represent the emotions, characters, and events of a particular story"(Parker:1999).

Music also plays a role of entertainment evolved into different forms and expressions as a result of social ritual, worship, coordination of movement, communication and entertainment.

According to Rheingold music as Art it allows a human being to take all these dry, technically boring (but difficult) techniques and use them to create emotion, that is one thing science can not duplicate: humanism, feeling,  and emotion.

Music through history has define a number of theorists, philosophers, composers and musicians themselves. Music is something that holds the attention and interest of an audience or gives pleasure and delights.

Rheingold, H. 1997. Disinformocracy, in the media studies. Jewkes. London:Arnold.

Okigbo, C. 1996. Contextualising Freire in Africa Media Review 10 (1): 31.

Morley, D. 1980. The 'nationwide' audience: structure and decoding. London: British Film Institude.

Monday 22 April 2013


This assignment will discuss and focus on politics and power, referring to the discourse of the digital divide on the democracy and the government of South Africa. It will define the concepts such as digital divide, e-democracy and e-government and explain the impact of the digital divide on democracy and the government of South Africa and give relevant example/examples.

CaricomicT4D (2008) define digital divide as the gap or imbalance that exist between those who have access to information and communications technology and also to the unequal access of resources. CaricomicT4D (2008) stated that the digital divide can exist between those living in rural areas and those living in urban areas, between the educated and uneducated, between economic classes, and on a global scale between move and less industrially developed nations.

According to Clift (2003) e-democracy is the use of information and communications technologies and strategies by “democratic sectors” within the political processes of local communities, states/regions, and nations and on the global stage.

Clift (2003) stated that the “democratic sectors” include the following democratic actors:

-       Governments.
-       Elected officials.
-       Media (and major online portals).
-       Political parties and Interest groups.
-       Civil Society Organizations.
-       International Governmental Organizations.
-       Citizens/Voters.

“E-government refers to the use by government agencies of information technologies that have the ability to transform relations with citizens, businesses, and other arms of government. These technologies can serve a variety of different ends, better delivery of government services to citizens, improved interactions with business and industry, citizen empowerment through access to information, or more efficient government management” (World Bank).

Cohen(2000) states that the impact of the digital divide on the government of South Africa is the powerful influence on the public’s access to government documents, the tactics and content of political campaigns and the ways in which topic discourse

Cohen (2000) defined some of the impact of digital divide on the government as:

-       Cost effectiveness- reduces cost in rendering services.
-      Time saving- reducing delays in delivery of services.
-       Improve communication- communication between government and citizens.
-       Improve operations and services – improving quality of service delivery.
-       Expand access- citizen’s access to public sector information.
-       Increase efficiency- e-governance that produces more output at the same total cost in less time.
-       Increase effectiveness- governance that works better, producing the same outputs at the same total cost in the same time, but to a higher quality standard.

    Bellamy, Christine & Charles (1999:518) stated some of the impact of the digital divide on the democracy of South Africa as:

-       Legislations that protects freedom of expression on the internet.
-       Providing access to public information online.
-       Voting online.
-       Consulting citizens in online citizen panels, focus groups, open discussion forums.
-       Citizens contacting individual politicians online, through e-mail, chatting, websites etc.
-       Include information support systems for politicians as well as election, monitoring and other applications.
-       Public debate, online access to information for scrutinizing the government.

Relevant Examples

South Africa government has embraced the idea and publishes information via the internet. Some government department makes use of mobile technology to communicate with citizen e.g.

“The department of Home Affairs introduced a service for South Africans to check the progress on approving their Identity document and passport applications via short message service (sms)” (South Africa-the good news, 2008).

The department of Home Affairs not only has introduced a service for the progress on approving on particular document. It has a website where the society of South Africa can contacts the home affairs; get access to the immigration service, statement and speeches and forms where the society can apply for passport and identity document online. The department has introduced the website service which can inform the society about the members of the department their role and how the society can contact them and the late news on the parliament and department.

This assignment has discussed and analyzed the impact of the digital on the democracy and government of South Africa. It has focus on how digital divide helps the society of South Africa informed about the democracy and government they live in. It has defined concepts like digital divide, e-democracy and e-government.


Bellamy, Christine & Charies, R. 1999. “Wiring up the deck-chairs?” Parliamentary affairs. Vol.52. No.3, July.

CaricomiT4D. Thursday 18 September 2008. European Union. Available:… [Accessed: 19 April 2013]

Clift, S. 2003. E-democracy, e-governance and public net-work. September Version 1.1. Available: . [Accessed: 19 April 2013]

Cohen, T. 2000. Governance and human rights online. Available: http: [Accessed: 19 April 2013].

South African- The good news. 2008. Mobile internet users exceed pc users. 27 November. Available: [Accessed: 19 April 2013].

World Bank. Available: [Accessed: 19 April 2013].

Monday 8 April 2013


This assignment will focus and discuss the mobile and wireless technology based on it developing the network society to its deepest pores of the world.”Mobile technology is a collective term used to describe the various types of communication technology, those technologies platforms that are developed for and used on mobile device like WAP, smart mobile phones, mobile applications, or mobile websites, etc’’ (Shuaib,2011). It will describe how technology can be used effectively by communities to meet society challenges. Castell (2000) define network society as a society whose social structure is made of network of network powered by microelectronic based information and communication society that was originally mentioned.

Agree that mobile and wireless technology will spread the network society

Everything we do in our daily live involves around mobile and wireless technology. These technologies have influence our network society based on our education, working lives and activities. Network has become the basic units of modern society. Technology defines modern societies which develop cultural, economic and political factors that make network society. Mobile and wireless technology shape the organizational forms and structure the society personal and social communication is replaced by digital technologies. The society is linked to one another and has access to information throw mobile and wireless technology. Networking technology enable network to overcome and develop from their historical limits.

Relevant concepts

Technology's role in a network society by exploring smart phones, apps, and privacy, mobile technology is advancing our ability to connect and share information in ways were not possible years ago. According to Lyon (2010) mobile and wireless technology such as Smart-phone and iphone connect the network society on deeper level by enable to engage in profound ways, using different platforms and offering a seemingly endless stream of apps. Relevant concepts can be on the most remotes place like hlankomo most of the poorly developed places in South Africa, which they do not have electricity which makes it even hard for the area to have wireless technology.

Role of mobile technology in network society 

According to the United Unions Nations Development Program (2011) better information and communication furthers the development of a society mobile technologies are opening new channels of communication between people and government, potentially offering greater access to public information and basis device to all. “In fact globally, more people now have access to a mobile device than to justice or legal service, technologies offer portable, real-time, communication and information access for people who previously had little to no access to affordable communication channels” Castells (1996).

Real world examples

Society use wireless technology to keep in touch with their loved ones. Wireless technology enable their uses to make phone calls from many locations worldwide. For example if a doctor in working in a rural place like Hlankomo and want to consult another doctor who is in the urban area like Johannesburg instead of him travel from  Hlankom to Johannesburg, the doctor can use the wireless technology like cell phone to consult the other doctor, they can send details of their patients from where they are in the remote areas to a hospital in a urban area. Doctors can use wireless technology to transmit prescription to pharmacies and ask other doctors in the urban area to investigate on the symptoms of their patients and check the side effects using technology before making a choice at the patient' s bedside.     

This assignment has discussed and analyzed the mobile and wireless technology based on how it will spread the network society to the deepest pores of the world. It has states how one agrees with the statement of Van Dijk. It has described the role of mobile technology in network society, given the relevant concepts employed and the real world example to the statement.


Castells, M.1996.The rise of network society. New York: Blackwell.
Castells, M.2000.Material for an exploratory theory of the network society. British journal of sociology, Volume 51. Tavistock publication.
Lyon, E.2010.Mobile Tech’s Influence in a network society.Franklin: Tampa's premier advertising and branding agency. 27 April.
Shuaib.2011.Definition Mobile Technology. 22 August.…
United Nations Development Program.2011.[Accessed 6 April 2013]

Tuesday 19 March 2013


I wanted to take this moment to say thank you to GOD  giving me my life. Thank you to my family. Thank you to my friends. Thank you to Mr Bakare. Thank you to everyone who know me,has given me every reason to live and everyone who has made it possible for my life to have meaning.

Thank you, all way take that moment, that second to say thank you it does matter how you say it, but trust me it means a lot to you and to those you say it to. It shows ones appreciation to life and the ones around you.