Thursday 25 July 2013


In definition fear is the bad feeling that one has when they are in danger, or when a particular thing frightens them. 

God said ‘never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.’

So we say with confidence.

‘The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?’

In definition ‘forsake’ means to leave especially when you have responsibility to stay.

God doesn't have the responsibility to stay for his children; HE stays because he loves us all as his children. We are the ones who are responsible for our behavior because how we behave influence how God sees us.
Indeed my Father is my helper; he has walked with me throw thick and thin, protected me from all my enemies. He has forgive me for all my wrong doings. Someone out there in the world doesn't have what i have, the blessing, love and the guidance. 

He has blessed me with love and with that i shall not fear anything.

'The Lord is my helper.'  

Monday 15 July 2013


Music has played an  emotional role in our lives.Music has been around for many years, today music has increasingly spreading and people can not live without music. This assignment will focus on music based on it's history, how it has develop from the ancient history to the 20th century and music as an art. Music is unique in each person's life.  Webster's II new Riverside University Dictionary define music as the art of arranging tones in an orderly sequence so as to produce a unities and continuous composition. 

" Music comes from the ancient Greek muses, who were the nine goddesses of art and science.Music actually began around 500 B.C when Pythagoras experimented with a caustic and how math related to tones formed from plucking strings.The main form of music was the gregorian chant named for pope gregory I " (Morley, 1980).

Toward the end of the middle age, about the 13th century, music began to move outside of the church and become more popular outside.

According to Okigbo (1996:31) music was becoming more popular during the Renaissance vocal music was still more important than instrument. Composes began to write music to give deeper meaning and emotion to the words in their songs. Music was written in a style that referred to as word painting, where music and words combine to form a representation of poetic images.

Music was still important in the church, although it had shifted more from the church to the courts.
From that point music moved from being just a melody and rhythm that was being used for traditional purposes.

"The Romantic period was at time when emotion was poured into the music, Each composer had an individual style and expression. This is when music was written to follow a story, poem, idea and scene. The instruments would represent the emotions, characters, and events of a particular story"(Parker:1999).

Music also plays a role of entertainment evolved into different forms and expressions as a result of social ritual, worship, coordination of movement, communication and entertainment.

According to Rheingold music as Art it allows a human being to take all these dry, technically boring (but difficult) techniques and use them to create emotion, that is one thing science can not duplicate: humanism, feeling,  and emotion.

Music through history has define a number of theorists, philosophers, composers and musicians themselves. Music is something that holds the attention and interest of an audience or gives pleasure and delights.

Rheingold, H. 1997. Disinformocracy, in the media studies. Jewkes. London:Arnold.

Okigbo, C. 1996. Contextualising Freire in Africa Media Review 10 (1): 31.

Morley, D. 1980. The 'nationwide' audience: structure and decoding. London: British Film Institude.